Science textbooks consistently misrepresent certain topics—some broad, some narrow. Particularly troublesome areas in modern science education are:
- Tides
- Genetics
- Combustion
- Simple machines
- Reflection
- Circuits
- What constitutes a “fair test”
- Why things feel hot and cold
- Conduction
- Coriolis effect
- Bernoulli’s principle
- Scientific method
- Greenhouse effect
- Waves
- Ecological roles (producer, consumer, decomposer)
- States of matter
- Cloud formation
- How science differs from other disciplines
- Flight
- Temperature change during phase change
- Evolution
- Contribution of important scientists in history
- Boiling (and phase changes in general)
- Diffraction
- How science advances as a discipline
- Blueness of veins
- Electrical resistance
- Differences among hypotheses, theories, and laws
- Gravity
All of these science topics (and others) are discussed and explained in the Science Myths Unmasked project.